1. Respect the Venue and Others
– Be considerate of staff, neighbours, and fellow guests.
– Maintain reasonable noise levels; all activities must conclude by 10:00 PM.
2. Supervision and Responsibility
– Children and pets must be supervised at all times.
– Guests are responsible for cleaning up after their pets and ensuring proper waste disposal.
3. Arrival, Departure, and Onsite Support
– Arrive on time and depart quietly to minimise disruption.
– Onsite support staff is available from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
– There is no overnight security or assistance after 6:00 PM.
4. Venue Care and Cleanliness
– Dispose of waste properly and leave the space in its original condition.
– Handle all venue equipment and facilities with care.
5. Communication and Assistance
– Guest services will notify guests via WhatsApp or phone call if necessary.
– Any concerns, guests should contact onsite staff during support hours.